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Study Nooks yes or no


In the midst of Covid times we were dreaming of a study nook, bench or room, to carry out our work.

Alot of people ended up working from the Dining Room table and cursed the messiness of it all.

So when building your new home should you have a designated area to work from home?

It seems that people still want that space, either near the kitchen where things like bills and school notices can be placed and is close to the hub of the home...right up to people wanting an actual study room with shelving, in built desk and a wallpaper feature wall.

 If you are looking at building and work from home…check your plan reflects how you would like to have your working space, how big you need the room to be, if you need the study room for an area for visiting family as well…or if a study nook with a bench is more within your budget.