Have you checked your land requirements?
If you haven’t, let me tell you why this is so important when considering building a new home…..
You’ve decided on a block of land and, naturally, you’re excited! You rush out to the display homes to grab a price on your dream home. Seems simple, right? But is the price you’ve been given based on your specific block of land? The reality is, it’s usually a generic price. A price that’s essentially based on the house floating above the land. Not actually on it.
When you are considering a build price, think about the things that affect your lot of land.
1. Is the block in a flood prone or bushfire area?
2. Is there a contour plan that shows the slope of the block?
3. Does the estate you have bought in have specific requirements for building?
4. Are there easements on the block that will affect how your house has to be positioned?
5. Are there trees, long shrubs or mulch on the block that have to be removed?
6. Where are the services? Are they at the front of the block?
All these questions will affect your build price and they need to be considered when buying the land.
If you’d like help determining what is required for your block of land and whether your build quote or contract has allowed for that, consider my Tender Health Check service. My comprehensive building tender health check will give you a solid foundation on which to start your building journey. Find out more here.